I'm back home following my inaugural trip to PyCon, so it seems like a good time to record my impressions of the summits, conference and sprints.

I really enjoyed the whole experience - kudos to Van Lindbergh, Jesse Noller and the rest of the volunteer team for organising everything. I'm glad to see the "apprenticeship" setup for the conference leadership continuing, with Jesse (the deputy coordinator this year) stepping up to coordinate Santa Clara, with the future coordinator for Montreal assisting during those two years.

The personal connection side of things was brilliant. When it comes to the folks that were already on python-dev before I really started to follow it back in late 2003, I've been interacting and working with them online for 8+ years, and there are of course many others that have joined python-dev in the intervening time. I'd seen a few of them in photos and videos, and heard a few in videos and podcasts, but by and large, this was the first time I had been able to connect faces and voices to names on the screen. Very cool stuff, including getting to meet Raymond Hettinger (who accepted my first patches back in '04, among them the looks-insane-but-it-works string hack to speed up the 2.x decimal module) and of course Guido himself (who was the one who actually granted me commit rights, essentially for making sense while arguing with him about PEP 340/346/343).

Getting ready for Pycon was actually also the motivation behind restarting this blog and adding it to Planet Python, finally getting myself a Twitter account (@ncoghlan_dev) and (after getting home) hooking my DISQUS profile up to that. They're all aspects of taking a bit more of an active part in the wider Python community after getting a taste of it at PyconAU last year (despite the fact that I have yet to make it to a BrisPy meeting... Wednesday night just isn't a good night for me these days).

From a more technical perspective, there were a few things that I found particularly interesting:

1. PyPy is definitely starting to make the transition from "experimental platform for research into dynamic language optimisation" to "let's use this to make production code go faster". This shows not only in their benchmark results, but also in their efforts to update their website to be more production-user friendly and the effort to get more major projects running on it at the sprints, including those that stress the boundaries of the distinction between the language definition and CPython implementation details (*cough*SQLAlchemy*cough*). One of those efforts actually revealed a bug in one of the dark corners of the CPython implementation (folks in Hanover F at the sprints may have heard me swearing about my various attempts at fixing that one...)

2. There is definite interest in supporting Python 3 in more modules and packages, as well as improving the available information out there regarding published packages. There's likely to be at least one after-the-fact PEP to better explain one of the major C API changes that bit some sprinters attempting to forward port zc.buildout (I think that was the affected package), there is collaboration developing amongst the Linux distros (and others) to get more existing packages on Python 3 (join the python-porting list if that project interests you), there are a couple of new sites with improved information on the level of Python 3 support in various modules, and the team behind djangopackages are working on providing the same service for the whole of PyPI (and, no doubt, Python 3 support will end up being one of the points of comparison).

3. With distutils2 entering the standard library as "packaging" in 3.3 (to reflect the scope creep in the mission of the package, as well as to avoid name conflicts with future backports of distutils2 post 3.3 release), it was fascinating listening to the sprinters discussing how to take their clean 3.3 code from the standard library and backport it (as distutils2) to run on 3.2, 3.1, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5 and 2.4 without cluttering the stdlib version with backwards compatibility cruft. If their results are a match for their goals, then their new 2to3 and 3to2 inspired tool may end up becoming the basis for a general purpose Python "backport" transformation technique that is able to iteratively downgrade Python code to support earlier versions, while still allowing the use of clean, idiomatic code in the latest version.

4. The understanding of how best to leverage the Mercurial transition is still evolving on python-dev. My personal opinion has now developed towards one where I hope we will start using more feature clones (rather than branches within the main repository), with the main cpython repository only being used to accept feature-complete (or near complete) contributions. We're actually pretty close to supporting that model now, it just needs a few tweaks to the way builds are pushed to the buildbots to get us the rest of the way to being able to trial code on the full buildbot fleet without having to push it into the main repository first.

5. Collaboration efforts between the 5 biggest Python implementations (CPython, PyPy, Jython, IronPython, Stackless) continue to evolve. The PSF announced $10k in direct funding to PyPy at the start of the conference proper, the main python.org download page now includes links to the sites of the other 4 major implementations, more contributors to the other projects were given CPython push rights to allow standard library fixes to be contributed upstream rather than maintained in downstream forks, there are plans in progress to create a collaborative "speed.python.org" modelled on the existing PyPy benchmark site and Brett Cannon plans to revive the PEP about splitting the standard library out to a separate source control repository.

6. Brian Curtin has a nice write-up welcoming several newcomers that made their first submissions to the CPython bug tracker at the sprints. Brett's idea of improving test coverage as an introductory activity is a *great* idea, since such changes are relatively easy to get started with, relatively easy to review, low risk of breaking anything (except the buildbots) and involve actually writing code. I'll also note here that Eric Snow spent the sprints working on a more esoteric idea that came out of a python-ideas discussion: see what would be involved in providing a variant on exec() that allowed an actual function body to be executed in a designated namespace.

I was also surprised (and somewhat concerned) at the number of people that perceived python-dev as a hostile, unwelcoming place. On further reflection, I realised there was actually some merit to that point of view, but that's a topic for another post.