... and hopefully help yourself with current programming projects, too.

Some recent programming activities left me underwhelmed by a few of the standard library's included batteries. This has already led to a significant revamp of the subprocess module documentation to steer new users away from the Popen Swiss army knife (unless they really need it) and to explain the commonly needed parameters more clearly. It still needs work (the notes and warnings are far too repetitive), but it at least introduces things in the right order now (high level convenience API that most people want first, lower level Popen API that some people need second).

However, for 3.3 I'd like to improve things even more in at least three areas: invocation of the system shell for administration tasks, better tools for traversing filesystem directories and programmatic management of deterministic resource cleanup (i.e. not relying on the garbage collector).

Accordingly, I have 3 projects up on PyPI (with docs on ReadTheDocs and source control and issue tracking on BitBucket):

Feedback on any and all of these is appreciated, either here or on the respective issue trackers. It isn't a foregone conclusion that any of these APIs will be added at all, so examples of real world use cases would definitely be helpful.